The Enigma of the Engagement
Monday, August 25, 2008
I have family in Virginia. I went to visit them last weekend because my cousin was getting engaged. Now, people in my family have been getting engaged since I was born (I'm Indian, we have large families.) I've never thought that this was the least bit strange. However, when I told my officemate about my weekend plans, she gave me an odd look.
It turns out, in the rest of the world, you actually don't get engaged with the entire family watching. It's supposed to be a private affair between the boy and girl. The Indian family engagement is a much more, um, public affair. Everyone gets dressed in uncomfortable clothes. The couple try to exchange rings without actually touching each other. The girl's mother hovers anxiously, trying to please everyone on the boy's side. Lavish gifts are exchanged. You get a gift for just existing. Too much food is eaten. Unruly children are slapped. Just like a wedding except it's an engagement. Only 50 very important people have been invited. It's a who-do-they-love-more sweepstakes. (Of course I won.)
I'm not complaining. I can now buy an iphone without spending any of my own money.
Hmmm. Maybe we do have it right after all.