The Beginning
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Starting a blog is terrifically scary. Well, at least for me. I'm one of those writers that doesn't want to be read. So, one day I decided to be brave and chronicle my life in New York City. I can't claim to know it more than anybody else, but I can claim that I have a unique perspective - that of the middle class, single Indian girl. I should probably begin by saying how I got here.
I came to NY in 2006 because as my father put it, I had made a mess of my life. Unfortunately, he was right. When I left high school, I had "potential." It pretty much went downhill from there. I was indifferent to college, cutting classes and never studying. After I was finally done, I found myself wondering what to make of my life. My parents were sick of my dithering and decided to send me to NY, where my sister lived. So I gave my GRE's, got into a college, applied for the dreaded visa and flew to NY.
A lot has happened since then. I graduated from college (again) and found work at a prestigious PR agency. I guess I did alright. I haven't been back to India since I left. I miss it dreadfully, but I'm used to belonging to two worlds. This is my attempt to make sense of them both.
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