How Exotic Am I?
Monday, June 30, 2008
If you're an Indian living in America, you are bound to hear this at least a few times. "You're Indian? Ooooh, how exxxoticccc!" I generally deflect this by nodding my head in agreement and looking mysterious. Hopefully that means I'm too exotic to indulge in this conversation.
I'm also asked - "You're from India? Do you know the Kamasutra?" To which I say, with a look of complete seriousness, "Yes, they teach us that in grade school. It's a required course."
Once, I wanted to know what the image of India was amongst Americans, so I conducted an informal poll. I asked people what they thought of when they think of India. Answers ranged from elephants and spices to cow-dung and outsourcing. I even got maharajas and poverty.
I do my part to keep up the image Americans have of India. It's just too exhausting to explain otherwise, when I can barely make sense of the contradictions that make India. For people who like things in neat little packages, India seems too messy and uncontained. How do I explain that its the vagaries of India that define it?
And for all those people, who think I'm exotic? Im really not, or at least I don't feel that way. I guess I'm about as exotic as a billion other people. Just ask my pet elephant.
June 30, 2008 at 3:55 PM
Lahiri nails this in The Namesake -- this was kept in the film -- when the woman can't believe that Gogol was born in the US and when she describes her envy of a friend who returned from India so thin. But then "exotic" has to be defined against a home culture, no? So yeah, you're plenty exotic here. You and your billion compatriots and their elephants.
July 1, 2008 at 5:24 AM
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July 1, 2008 at 5:26 AM
Not really..coming from an author who wasn't born or lived in India ever..(btw,i jus cant stand her books =])..anyway,well,the word 'exotic' usually means 'from another part of the world' mostly like the light-eyed blondes with bright-red nail polish wearing purple shoes i meet here..
( i guess that means so are you =*)..wish i had me a pet elephant =[